Stargate Command

“At any time, at any place, our snipers can drop you. Have a nice day.”



Do you remember that cool guy in class, that stood quietly in the background, but always seemed to know everything that was going on? That guy who never got beaned by a ball, or smacked in the back of the head, because he always seemed to know it was coming? Oh, wait, of course not, because you are that guy, aren't you.

Commandos are those unique individuals that have proven to have what's called "situational awareness." They just seem to know where everyone is on the battlefield, and have an instinct for where they're going. These individuals, also distinguished by their marksmanship, are given over to training in specialized weapons and tactics.

Sometimes called a sniper, this is not truly your role. You do carry a deadly sniper rifle, but you're also the spotter for your team. Your scope has a transphased optic system, able to see cloaked ashrak. You also carry claymores to cover your rear, setting an explosive trap for your enemy.

When all else fails, a guy like you doesn't settle for the standard .9mm handgun. You brought your own. A .50 caliber pistol able to put even the most determined foe on the ground.


The scientist may get all the attention on the battlefield, but that's how you prefer it. You like to find a nice spot, set up a claymore, and then settle in to relax, and get to work. And work is good!

Your primary role is as a standoff weapon, putting down jaffa and ashrak (and goa'uld foolish enough not to have their shield up) from a great distance, preventing them from even getting close to your team. But, you also are a vital support agent, killing goa'uld trying to drain the minds of your soldiers, and capping ashrak as they sneak up behind your scientists.

Watch everything, and take every shot. But, beware that your bullets travel at such a velocity, they often leave a visible trail. The enemy you miss probably knows where you are. The one you hit certainly does, and is coming for you.

Keep to the shadows, and displace from time to time, and you will enjoy a long and effective life. And keep those claymores placed to cover you and your team.

At close range, your best friend is your .50 cal pistol, but the rifle packs its full punch even when not scoped. It's just notoriously difficult to aim accurately without the scope, so beware.

When the enemy has spotted you, and you're being effective, know that you've got a bull's-eye on your back. Don't wait for them to come to you. Move to some place where you can watch over your previous location, and kill anyone who comes looking for you in that spot. Then, move again. A commando with a routine of rotating between multiple key locations can often catch the same foe over and over, driving them mad, and making them dead. Have fun out there!


LR30A Tactical Rifle

This rifle is feared universally by the System Lords. One shot is all it takes, if your aim is true. Only the ashrak is as deadly, and she must sneak up behind you. You can drop your enemy from across a courtyard, and remain unseen and untouched.

Two to three hits will kill any foe, but a headshot is lights out even for the massive jaffa. Just remember to watch your ammo, and reload whenever you get the chance. The bolt action weapon only carries four rounds, and must be manually loaded.

A-M18A1 Claymore Mine

Does your mother know that your best friend is an explosive? Well, if she did, she'd approve. Your claymores will never let you down. They're always there for you, and tirelessly watch your back. Just the sort of friend your mother wishes for you. Set them in doorways or any other approach to your rear, and then focus your attention on the battlefield before you, secure in the knowledge that their explosion will give anyone sneaking up on you cause to rethink their life plans, and also give you warning enough to turn and finish them off with either pistol or rifle.

SA50-2 Pistol

Sometimes a rifle's too big for the job, but there's never a time when a big bullet is too much for the job. The .50 cal pistol carried by the commando scares even him, sometimes. Loud, powerful, and with a kick like a mule, it's a bit harder to aim, but well worth the trouble in his calm hands. Never be afraid to use this in close quarters. A few hits with this will finish most arguments.


Field Diaries

  • Captain Axsel Reynolds
  • Captain Axsel Reynolds, on Amarna
  • Captain Axsel Reynolds, on Piramess
  • Major Axsel Reynolds, at SGC
  • Major Axsel Reynolds, on Leonops


Diary Entry One
Captain Axsel Reynolds
SG Regiment 2

I love my job.  Let me say that again.  I love my job!  Every day, I get to hunt down the snake-heads and exterminate them. 

I’m the best shot in this, or any galaxy.  When I’m not in combat, you’ll find me on the range, training with my LR30.  No alien garbage.  No zippy electronics to fail.  Just a beautiful, clean bolt action and a third of an ounce of metal traveling at 2,800 feet per second to wherever I send it.  Clean.  Precise.  Final.

I’ll never regret that training in explosives either.  I can’t tell you how sweet it is to lay a trap with some claymores and catch the bastards sneaking up behind me.

I confess, I do enjoy some of the toys.  The boys in tech hooked me up with some sweet vision enhancement that make even those blasted Ash’rak cloaks useless.  Can’t hide from me! And I managed to get them to give me some armor piercing ammo that makes those silly P90 rounds look like BBs.  But, in the end, I trust the simple technology of the gun over anything else.

I get flak from my commander, but I won’t go anywhere without my Desert Eagle, either. I know it’s a cannon, but that’s the point. If I HAVE to pull that thing, I want some power, and not one of those little pea shooters they give the scientists.

I’ll be sad to see this war end.  But I’m going to do my best to end it, and fast.  Consider the goa’uld an endangered species!