Keep up Arron! It was posed in the
"Rank XP" thread.
Originally Posted by Aoloebio
I have now given out the
required exp needed for ranks 1 through 5, enjoy! Keep working hard on
them higher ranks and I will keep applying my devscale
This is from the first post of the thread Started by
Deus Viator
and updated by
r1/Airman/Cha'tii: 168 XP
Reasoning: Dev input
r2/Airman First Class/Ha'Bashaak: 479 XP
Reasoning: Dev input
r3/Senior Airman/Ha'Ke'I :1122 XP
Reasoning: Dev input
r4/Staff Sergeant/Lokma: 2382 XP
Reasoning: Dev input
r5/Technical Sergeant/Secu : 4637 XP
Reasoning: Dev input