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Old 05-26-2010, 05:48 PM   #1
Firesky Staff
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Default SGR Suggestion Box

Welcome to the SG:R Suggestion box. Ideas may be posted here by users for developer consumption.

Messages posted here that are not suggestions will incur 1 infraction point per message.

Users may only post 1 suggestion per post and only 1 post until it gets deleted, failing to follow this rule will result in an infraction point.

Please refrain from commenting on other user's posts in the suggestion box, there is already a thread devoted to that elsewhere on the forums.

All messages will be compiled into a document to be viewed by the developers.

Once a message has been added to the document the suggestion's post will be removed from the forums and will not count towards the user's overall post count.

Ideas that have been put in place be in black with the strikethrough font style and have a patch number attached to them.

Ideas that get rejected by the developers will be in red. (Some rejections will have reasons denoted by the * symbol)

Last edited by bctrainers : 09-13-2010 at 05:08 PM. Reason: additional rule added
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Old 05-27-2010, 11:03 AM   #2
Firesky Staff
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Default Current Suggestions

Subclasses of current classes.
Bring back the classic Jaffa Armor.
Add Team themed outfits. (Egypt, Roman, Greek, etc)
Add Silver / Red Serpent Guard armor for Jaffa.
Add Ba'al Clone attire, Sokar Regailia, Gold Cobra armor for Goa'uld.
Add Wraith faction (Queens, Males, Drones).
Add replicator faction (Bug swarms, Human form, Infested humans).
Add Ori faction (Priors, Warriors, Origin Jaffa)
Add 1 more class per team. (Free jaffa, Lucians, Nox, Tok'ra, Kull Warriors, Unas, Asgard, Bounty Hunter, NID, Runners)
Add customization options.
Add slow hp regen (or symbiote only regen when not poisoned).
Symbiote pass ability to swap hosts when low on health.
Optional headgear.
Increase stamina.
More purchasable character models.
More damage to be dealt to Jaffa in symbiote pouch area.
Add rolling manuevers (ww, ss, aa, dd) for classes.
Cloaked Ashrak to emit humming noise.
Cloaked Ashrak visible to other cloaked Ashrak.
Sl team to more easily see cloaked Ashrak.
Abilities to "Paint" targets.
Add prone stance.
Disable colliding with team mates.

2 primary weapons, 1 secondary per class.
Reduce turret's accuracy / limit FOV / reduce rate of fire / reduce rotation speed / reduce damage.
Increase Turret spawn time.
Require scientist to be stationary during turret placement.
Healing Dispenser heals regardless of team.
Add Diminishing returns from healing dispenser.
Explode turret on scientist death.
Right click function to roll smoke / shock grenades instead of toss.
Jaffa to hold staff higher for better shot placement.
Increase range on Jaffa staff swipe.
Jaffa to have more melee attacks.
Move weapon slots 3 & 4 for scientist to number three with left / right clicks.
SGC Melee Knockback attack, knife or throwing knife.
Add forcefield traps deployable.
Add turret creation animation.
Bullets to create Sparks on Jaffa Armor hits.
Goa'uld symbiote buffet (for hp regen?)
Turrets can stick to surfaces but become less powerful.
Turret Kills award points not kills.
Limited Ammo count for turrets.
Add glancing damage for sniper bullets.
Add Tranq gun.
Increase tracking delay on the turret or have a set fov.
Add Atanik armbands for SGC.
Orbital attack ability.
Add G36K for SGC.
Goa'uld kinetic wave to deal more damage to non organic objects.
Goa'uld healing to knock off poison ticks.
Kinetic wave range increase.
Kinetic wave to disperse poison clouds.
Jaffa staff to be able to shoot straight down.
Goa'uld primary attack to disable item placement as well.
Smoke grenades to do more than just visual deterrent.
Weapons drop at death and can be picked up by other classes for them to use.
Increase speed of the Staff Blast.
Add alt fire mode for the Shock Grenade to roll it on the ground.
Add P90 rail attachments. (Kull disruptor, Anti-Replicator Gun, Flashlight, etc)
Add Asuran Pistol.
Add Goa'uld Shield lock toggle. (F to turn on and not off)
Add Ashrak Cloak lock toggle. (F to turn on and not off)
More purchasable weaponry.
New Soldier Weaponry (Zat, Shotgun, TER, Flashbangs, Frag Grenades, Rifle, M-16, mp5, flamethrower, sticky bomb, malp turret, Ak-47)
New Scientist Weaponry(Zat, Tretonin, anti-ashrak cloak pulse, personal teleport beacon)
New Commando Weaponry(Zat, C4, laser pointer addon, hidden spiked floor trap, dual pistols, mp5)
New Ashrak Weaponry(Zat, Tracking devices, Tacluchnatagamuntoron, Shak'nel, laser ring)
New Jaffa Weaponry(Zat, Poison Bombs, Pain Stick, Advanced staff, Staff canon placement, Death Glider Wing Canon, Sodan Staff)
New Goauld Weaponry(Zat, Kor mak bracelet, Invul shield[when standing still only], laser ring, personal teleport beacon, zat orbital canon ring, resurrection device)

Increase max player counts on maps.
Increase round end score.
Bigger maps.
One way spawn doors.
Add alternate spawn exit on Earth-SGC for the System Lords.
Forcefield feedback pulse to push back enemy players on leonops.
Add a Ha'tak / BC304 / insert-ship-name-here map.
Add more flavor text for worlds in game to get more lore out of them.
Add in game tutorials for new players.
Add more destructible objects / environments.
Add more functionality to interactables rather than just being on them.
Add Gate dialing map.
Add pegasus galaxy locations (Hives, Atlantis, Midway, etc).
Add multiple gametypes to existing maps.
Add a Netu map.
Add login map as part of a playable map.
4 team map.
Add foresty (Vancouver) map.
Add midway space station
Add P3X-666, P3X-439, P9G-844, P2M-903, P2X-338, P3X-367, P4X-650, P5S-117, P5X-777, P7S-441, PY3-948, PX9-757, etc.
Add AlphaSite
Add Antarctica Outpost
Add Hathor's recreated SGC
Add Arkad's world
Add Dakara
Add Heliopolis
Add NID offworld base
Add Orban
Add Pangar
Add Svoriin
Add Tok'ra base
Add Tartarus
Add Terella
Add Abydos
Add Merlin's rotating planet map.
Add world from "The Light".
Add Celestis map.
Add "Moonbase map".

Add King of the Hill Gametype.
Add Tug of War Gametype.
Interactable flags to be damaged / placed by teams for points in key locations.
Add ship to ship combat gametype / map (with gliders and f302s, etc).
Add stealth / espionage gametype.
Add survival mode.
Add free for all mode.
Add assault gametype.
Add bombing run gametype.
Remove kills from winning scores for non deathmatch gametypes.
Replicator invasion.
Reetoo invasion.
Defend the gate.
Assault the gate.
Shield battle???
Add VIP gametype.
Add Machello body swap gametype (ie random teams/classes)
Add temporary alliance gametype.
Add steal the bacon. (Single flag ctf)

User Interface:
Voice chat.
Persistent F.O.V. option.
Add friends list system.
Add options for 16:9 resolutions.
Add in game compass system for better team coordination / coordinates system.
Add chat filter options (and ignore).
Show the cursor in the chat box for easier editing.
Add more vocal emotes.
Allow customizing of unused vocal emotes slots.
Add mini-map / life signs detector.
Add experience/rank meter.
Add your teams classes to the tab screen. (Color coded?)
Add team classes to the class select screen.
Add gamma, brightness, contrast sliders.
Use dhd to login.
More weapon hit feedback.
Medic arrows to tell you where closest medic is / all players to see damaged player location.
Poison icon to show above players who are actively poisoned. (Team view only)
Add cover me / regroup arrows.
Red X to appear while reloading.
Red X to not appear when inside deployables.
Class select screen to change visuals when new armor is selected.
A none option for weaponry like the smoke grenades.
Tab screen to show match damage dealt / healed to players.
Fix Alt-Tab FPS Bug??? *Please send me more info
Weapon loadouts changeable in game.
Ability to see teammates health even when not a healing class. (Toggleable)
Option to set default classes for the class select menu.
Allow unicode characters in names in game.
Add Suicide Button.
Allow for Right / Left Shoulder camera movement.
Arena Game mode should say "Next Round Starts in X Seconds".
Add logged in player and actively playing player counts to galaxy map.
Add weapon images to replace death messages.

Private / clan servers. (possibly rentable)
Add clientside server support.
Add more info when selecting servers(match overview, current domination standing, etc)
Add votekick ability.
Add end game kill cams.
Official SG:R Tournaments.
Limit player counts to 1+ lower team, the rest (if more exist) have to wait to play.
Kick idle spectators after 1 round of being idle.
Add ability to view the current players on the server.

Add 5.1 surround sound support.
Add 7.1 surround sound support.
Add in game music player. (cd drive, pandora, etc)
Improved voice acting on maps.
Vocal emotes to use spacial sound system.
Add more Stargate-esque music
Customizable music.

Add achievement titles.
Add clan killer / killed achievements.
Add 9Lives > Acquire 9 times your max hp in a single life.
Add higher benchmark achievements.
Add Destruction Derby for blowing up all destructables in a match.
Add Simultaneous kill achievement.
Add completion counter / percentage.

Add ability to have mouse control movement like in W.O.W.

Add in-game Tutorial.
Add usb controller support. (360, ps3, etc)
Add video recording support.
Add clientside map / model editor.
Add more functionality on the Launcher.exe.
In game stamina / hp regen pickups.
In game player rankings with stats.
In game lobby / chat system at galaxy map.
Points earned in game can be utilized for purchasable stuff.
Custom login screens / display currently active battle hotspots.
More info on the launcher (patch notes etc).
Alter galaxy map screen to be viewed from midway.
In galactic map, have a planet zoom feature.
Less sensitive chat filtering.
Add free to play content to entice new players.
Patcher system via bit torrent/P2P.
Rings activate by pressing the "use" key.
Fix updates to not erase ini settings.
Fix start of game camera being in the wrong team spawn room.
External Instant Messenger program.
Add killstreak rewards / bonuses. (Ala C.O.D.)
Add anti-handicaps for players who perform poorly.
Add bot support. (Also let players take spots from bots)
Add partial credit for holding the flag.
Make flag touch radius larger.
Add remember password button.
Add exp for turret killing.
Add character uniform descriptions on the website.
Add in game Clan tools.

Last edited by Aoloebio : 10-21-2010 at 10:45 AM.
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Old 08-10-2010, 01:22 PM   #3
Officer of [SL]
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Split the Scientist into 2 separate classes:

-Improved Pistol (does 15 base damage instead of 10, or maybe Desert Eagle)

-X-669 (would kind of be like a spartan laser from Halo 3)
-Current Sci Pistol

I suggest this because i think that the reason the Sci is OP is not because of any individual weapon, but because of the sum of poison and turret together. This would have to be offset by an addition of an SL class though.

Also, I think that 5 classes on each side should be the target, but that is a discussion for another time...

I know its confusing, but... I'm an officer in [SL] (due to the RP there), but my SGR clan is 5th... if that makes any sense...
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Old 08-18-2010, 05:06 PM   #4
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increase Goa'uld health to 200 hp. seriously, two direct hits from nades (or POISON) takes them to bloody 25 health (or 21)!!!! yes, Jaffa are supposed to be the main strike forces, that's why they're tanks. but, Goa'uld are supposed to be right up on the front lines healing the Jaffa!

also, input more vocal callouts, like "you're welcome", "nice shot/kill", and my personal favorite... "MUAHHAHAHAH!"

I had a thought for turret tweaking... just to make em a LITTLE less uber-deadly. a while back, I remember bc telling us on teamspeak that turrets were aiming RIGHT for the heads, and therefore EVERY shot was a headshot. (because, of course, AI can't miss) now, if we think about it, even though an AI might be flawless, machinery isn't! how about throwing in some body shots to go along with all those headshots, with the reasoning that the gears in the turret are getting worn down, so the targeting mechanism is a little off. the "body shots" could do 13 or 14 damage (20/1.5), and they would make turrets a LOT less annoying. (yes, i know that the SL will soon have a weapon able to take turrets out, but, you know... it's a thought!)

um, another idea... every class except Goa'uld and Ahs'rak has a potential to do 1.5 damage with a "critical hit", otherwise known as a headshot. although, i suppose you could say that Goa'uld do nothing BUT headshots, so they get 15 dmg/hit. i propose that ashrak get a hitbox that lets them do 1.5x damage as well... since they only have the option for 40dmg or full hp. i have heard recently that the so-called "side-stabs" are not a bug per se, but are now a "feature". so, let Ash'rak do 60dmg when they hit an opponent in the ribs, instead of a backstab/sidestab. or a different hitbox area, just the possibility for a 1.5x hit.

^the many deaths of Dr_Jackson! (I at 5:50)
"What the h*** does 'kree' mean?" "Well, actually, it means a lot of things. Loosely translated it means 'Attention', 'Listen up', 'Concentrate'." "'Yoo-hoo'?" "Yes, in a matter of speaking."
Daniel Jackson responding to Jack O'Neill

Last edited by bctrainers : 09-13-2010 at 05:06 PM.
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Old 08-23-2010, 11:10 AM   #5
Ben_Maxwell's Avatar
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Introduce a fourth Class for the SGC (Medic)

Medic will have

1) Healing Canister
2) Healing Gun
3) Spray poison cloud Gun
4) Some sort of pistol

The Scientist will now have

1) Turret
2) Pistol
3) Possible a temp force field or cloak generator, or have the ability to repair items like Turrets or Canisters when they suffer damage?

This should help balence the SGC side as for one class to have poison, healing capabilities and Turrets seems to OP, it would also make the SGC Class more reliant on each other, just like the SL.

Last edited by Ben_Maxwell : 08-23-2010 at 11:17 AM.
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Old 08-28-2010, 07:39 PM   #6
Gorthaur's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Ben_Maxwell View Post
Introduce a fourth Class for the SGC (Medic)

Medic will have

1) Healing Canister
2) Healing Gun
3) Spray poison cloud Gun
4) Some sort of pistol

The Scientist will now have

1) Turret
2) Pistol
3) Possible a temp force field or cloak generator, or have the ability to repair items like Turrets or Canisters when they suffer damage?

This should help balance the SGC side as for one class to have poison, healing capabilities and Turrets seems to OP, it would also make the SGC Class more reliant on each other, just like the SL.
To balance "a" prospective medic class against the SL, I suggest the SL get a 'Torturer' class. (it's only apt that if you have a healer you must have a 'torturer')


For skin: the torturer would be the least overdressed, think black leather and spiky hair.

- pain stick (Rod of Anguish)
When used on opponent it causes them to be paralyzed (no vision, no movement) and the only way to break free is if someone shoots the goa'uld torturer.
The eyes and mouth of the victim would belch yellow light!
To ensure the pain stick is not OP the torturer would have a very limited range to use it in (like the ashrak's knife).

- Re'Sko healing device
The irony of the torture class was that it also carried a healing device to heal flesh wounds, to perpetuate the torture period without the use of a sarcophagus.
Now it's use is more military as it also acts as a support class healing wounded Jaffa, Ashrak, and their Goa'uld leader.

(Having a secondary healing class I think would balance against the healing gun/dispenser of the medic class).

Ultimately if you don't like that you could just stick one of those upcoming zats in the torturer's hand and let them go wild. The advantage of the zat as a secondary weapon instead of the healing device is you don't have to figure out which class to give it to without making them too OP!

Please consider the medic/torturer 4th class, I think they would add a lot of fun to the game, and add a greater dynamic than just a 3 vs 3 contest.

Last edited by Gorthaur : 08-30-2010 at 09:53 PM.
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Old 09-02-2010, 05:27 PM   #7
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It would be nice to be able to switch to first person view.
A selection of aim cursors would be kool.
Support for Xbox 360 controller too.
Also different heads to choose from so all characters dont look like clones.
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Old 09-03-2010, 09:40 AM   #8
Firesky Staff
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Default Rejected Suggestions

Camouflage is map specific. *We want player's to be able to choose their outfits and not be forced into them.
Change domination buffs to be player selectable.
Add tactical advantage to groups of players who are not near spawn rooms.
Lower Jaffa HP.
Increase Soldier HP.
Increase Scientist run speed.
Scientist to get special heal ability.
Commando to get special 200 Damage shot.
Super fat Guy.
The Spirit Race.
Staff blast armor for SGC.
*They already survive more than 2 direct hits due to their current armor

Reduce hp of dispenser.
Jaffa shots stun target???
Jaffa staff to have special shots.
Jaffa staff melee to hit multiple targets.
Healing canisters heal everyone not just SGC.
SGC weapon clips to reload faster if less ammo was consumed.
Goa'uld Shield to not be disabled when self healing.
*Power drains from the shield to the healing device

Increase corpse counts in some maps. *We could potentially lose our "T" rating


User Interface:

Limit player classes to not be higher than half the current team size.




Healing should become more powerful the longer you are healing uninterupted.
Swapping teams will not disrupt current point gains.
*Stats get recorded upon you swapping teams and we do not want them being doubled at round end.
Killing players while low on health gives more points. *This already has it's own merits.
Turret naming.
Add offline single player mode. *Do not expect this anytime soon
Sprint jumping twice grants a speed boost.
Add hide eyes button to reduce flashbang effects.
Spectators / dead players cannot type messages.
Destructables to display to all clients
*Replicating these events adds more lag to the game and is not needed

Last edited by Aoloebio : 10-21-2010 at 10:50 AM.
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Old 09-03-2010, 09:41 AM   #9
Firesky Staff
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Default Implemented Suggestions

Add Jaffa Anubis/Horus armor with a key to turn helmet on and off. Implemented as of (Anubis)
Add SGC Camouflage armor sets (Arctic, Desert, Black, Green, Blue, etc). Implemented as of (Black)

Weaponry resupplies (shock / smoke nades, claymores) Implemented as of



User Interface:
Add chat colors to distinguish between teamsay / global chat per team. Implemented as of





Fix random bullet tracer bug. Implemented as of
No more nerfing from devs, have new way to distinguish them. Implemented as pf
Add fair-play rules. Added to the forums by Gabe

Last edited by Aoloebio : 09-03-2010 at 10:03 AM.
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Old 09-11-2010, 01:13 PM   #10
Join Date: Sep 2010

add daedalus map like in the soldier diary

give goa'uld a shockwave power like one that blasts the enemy crowding around you like the alt fire for the kinetic wave but only all around you. like the force repulse from star wars the force unleashed

sorry for the double post but will you guys make achievable armor for the ashrak please! it could be like 25 sci or commando bs (backstab) kills and you have to be the rank of secu

sorry if this has already been posted but could you guys make taks for SL. preferably the ashrak
  1. Could you make it so when you put your cross hairs on an enemy it turns red but on an alie it turns green it would be very helpful to the Jaffa being the only long range SL class. Also could you guys make it so one of the classes has radar preferably Ashrak .I hate wandering around leonops then BOOM! sniper rifle bullet gos through my head . could you guys also make a plasma grenade like the one in Halo 3 (sorry for the many suggetions i dont have anything else to do .
Not sure if this has been suggested but could you guys make a remote bomb for the Ashrak.

Last edited by bctrainers : 09-13-2010 at 05:07 PM. Reason: Use one post for suggestions...
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Old 09-13-2010, 04:23 PM   #11
Firesky Staff
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Default NEW RULE!

Users may only post 1 suggestion per post and only 1 post until it gets deleted, failing to follow this rule will result in an infraction point.

This new rule starts now, if you already have a post in the queue, DO NOT post a new one.
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Old 09-14-2010, 08:01 AM   #12
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I know I suggested it but I think it was deleted when the thread was recently cleaned up cause I sill don't see it in the various suggestions list.


I know they're not a prime played character but those of us that do this is a decent I idea, and I don't have many but when I do it's usually Good.

When a Commando is still in one spot and scoped, now only in one spot and scoped. Lets say the Sudan cloaking deviced is used and he is invisable and cloaked. Now he's able to turn in that spot and stay cloaked but if he moves forward, back or side to side, the cloak is turned off. He cant be seen from a dstance when cloaked but if a SL is 5-10ft radius his cover is blown and his cloak is visable like an Ashrack. Also the cloak is automatically turned off when the Sniper rilfle is fired. This can be a certain rank to obtain this, or what ever you Devs see fit.

Now go Devs, Disscuss and argue. Thanks for reading!
"It's always suicide mission this, save the planet that. No one ever just stops by to say "Hi!" any more!" - Gen. Jack O'Neill
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Old 10-24-2010, 03:15 AM   #13
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King of the hill gametype for Leonops.
- make the capture point at the lowest point of the map, in the water area.
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Old 10-24-2010, 03:20 AM   #14
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An option to not allow Players from your own team or your enemies team, to spectate you.
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Old 10-24-2010, 04:58 AM   #15
Join Date: Oct 2010

~lower the damage the soldiers grenade does to sheilded go'auld
~fix bug where alt-tabbing or lagg game (high-ping) can result in weird bug where black-plane vectors show up and prevent visiblity for more than a few feet.. (will post forum link asap)

Last edited by Manga96 : 11-11-2010 at 02:18 PM. Reason: New Bug Found
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Old 10-26-2010, 11:39 PM   #16
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Default Jaffa Flash/Shock Grenade

Class Balance 1 of 8
"Jaffa" Class suggestion:

-Jaffa no longer have 2 flash/shock grenades to be used, but have 1 flash/shock grenade that "reloads" every 15 seconds.

I'm going to keep these short and sweet. If any reasons or explanations are needed, please ask. Thank you for any consideration.
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Old 10-30-2010, 07:46 AM   #17
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New Weapon/ability for a sgc class (sci oder commando)
The class is able to launch and control a mini Global Hawk Drone (UAV) but only once until getting killed.

The Drone could be armed with a light grenade launcher or machine gun or
could just be unarmed but able to see cloaked ashraks (so like a flying commando sight) or infra red sight to see assaulting SL (including ashraks). Steering of the drone should work like flying the redeemer missile in Unreal Tournament for example.
So you only have first person view from within the drone (or perhaps a free look-around view while changing flying direction only by holding mousekey) as long as u control it and your character has to be defended by team mates.
In addtition the drone could be able to perform a suicide (kamikaze) attack with a mid amount of splash damage. HP of Drone could be 30 or 20 so that it is killed even by the goa discarding device but doesn't already explode when slightly touching a wall.

I hope its understandable. Otherwise feel free to ask

Last edited by Obiwhite : 10-31-2010 at 03:34 AM. Reason: remembered the original name in the series
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Old 11-03-2010, 10:37 AM   #18
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HOW TO GET: IDK something really noobish that realz does alot

We're born, we live, we die, and we do the best with whatever crap we step in along the way.

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Old 11-03-2010, 04:30 PM   #19
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A Rick Rolled Achievement, Based on pure silliness or stupidity or have it as an Emote feature?
"It's always suicide mission this, save the planet that. No one ever just stops by to say "Hi!" any more!" - Gen. Jack O'Neill
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Old 11-06-2010, 07:45 AM   #20
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Originally Posted by Brando596 View Post

HOW TO GET: IDK something really noobish that realz does alot

Add the Ability to Deflect bullets, When the bullets reach the specified target, the kinetic wave should deflect them?

See you in Game!

Your Admirer

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Old 11-08-2010, 09:07 AM   #21
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New special Achievements devoted to new incoming weapons
SGR Name - Monthu_
Clan - Goa'uld(The founder of this clan)

The System lords must dominate The GALAXY!
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Old 12-05-2010, 03:35 PM   #22
Join Date: Sep 2010

how about a assasination thing for the shrak its where whenever you bs someone it goes into a really cool animation whre it shows you jumping on his back and stabbing him to death or slit ing his throat, also when you do that to someoneit holds them in place
Morgoth: Ashraks kill that turret!
Ashraks:no you do it your the jaffa Morgoth:do it now! Ashrak:no. I hate ashrak (even though i am one)
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Old 12-05-2010, 08:30 PM   #23
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i suggest that the game doesn't shut down

I know its confusing, but... I'm an officer in [SL] (due to the RP there), but my SGR clan is 5th... if that makes any sense...
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Old 12-05-2010, 08:34 PM   #24
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i suggest that the game be given to us
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Old 12-12-2010, 06:14 PM   #25
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Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Australia

I have one suggestion for SGR, is it possible to do a single player version with missions and a story mode? if not, how about a single player game done in the same style as SGR?
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