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Stargate-Union / SGU Armada
« Last post by Zohan on November 26, 2016, 12:13:48 PM »
Stargate-Union's Armada is growing daily !  Thank you to our Beta and Gamma fleets for helping our Armada grow !
Stargate-Union / Open Bank !!!
« Last post by Zohan on October 01, 2016, 08:12:38 AM »
With Authorization of Command, I will be lifting restrictions on the repositories of the SGU Bank, with the exceptions of the Crafting Materials - (they will remain the same) on Saturday October 8th 2016 for the day ! It's time to "Clean out the Bank" ! Take what you wish, use it for what you like, just take it ! No need to bring phasers or masks... it's open and free ! Bring an extra shuttle to haul it away ! Refreshments will be available at the Kiosk !

On behalf of SGU Command, we thank you for all your hard work and contributions to the fleet!  ;D ;D ;D

Live long and Prosper \\\///_
KDF Honor Guards / KDF Honor Guards
« Last post by Zohan on July 26, 2016, 09:46:27 PM »
Sadly, KDF Honor Guards has moved on.. and is no longer affiliated with SGU.
Members who wish to join a KDF Fleet, please let us know if you have found a suitable KDF Fleet to join.

The Shows / Star Trek - Beyond
« Last post by Zohan on July 22, 2016, 08:18:58 PM »
Who's pumped for the new Star trek movie - Beyond ? I know I am  :)
Stargate-Union / Active Participation Games !
« Last post by Zohan on April 17, 2016, 09:15:56 AM »
SGU is preparing our Active participation Games Event ! Cool prizes to be won - Ground Items, Space Items, Bonus Items and even Ships !  :D  We have updated the message of the day to reflect this event. Hope to see as many of you participating to win some cool stuff! Good luck to all of you !

Fleet General ZOHAN

Update: We are preparing for another Games event soon.. with even more prizes !  Events will be posted in game as to the times and dates !  Stay tuned !
Other Games / Homeworld: Remastered mod Stargate Space Conflict
« Last post by Canisrufus5 on March 28, 2016, 11:13:12 PM »
I was wondering if any of you had heard anything, played the demo or the beta version, and if so what you thought about it. If you haven't here is a link that has more information
Stargate-Union / Re: Fleet Starbase Tier 5
« Last post by blevok on February 29, 2016, 10:01:24 PM »
It's a great achievement.  Thanks to everyone in the fleet for being part of this accomplishment, and a big thanks to all the leaders for their continual efforts to make our fleet a great place to be.
Stargate-Union / Fleet Starbase Tier 5
« Last post by Zohan on February 25, 2016, 10:37:36 AM »
Our Fleet Starbase is finally finished ! The Command Officers of SGU would like to thank all those who have helped us achieve this milestone in our fleet ! Well done!  8)
KDF Honor Guards / Re: System Lords
« Last post by Astara on February 19, 2016, 09:14:24 PM »
Hey, again. As promised I present to you my Jaffa! And my Goa'uld (God).

They are based on the Stargate (1994). I bought the Klingon Academy to give the males skirts/loincloths. The females are easier (orion) but if you buy the original mirror universe outfit in the C-Store you can put skirts on them with the Klingon cloth belt. I used herald beams for the staff weapons.

My Goa'uld has the seven of nines costume (hand) for the Kara Kesh 'Ribbon Device' . The outfit color schemes were inspired by Ra's costume. Sadly I can't wear his tunic :/ And you can't get the helmets, but you could always edit them in.


KDF Honor Guards / Re: System Lords
« Last post by Astara on February 11, 2016, 05:40:18 PM »
Well since nobody has issues, I am going to assume I still have permission to write here in the mean time. I managed to level up to 40 and now I am using my Ha'tak/Cheops called "The Eye of Ra" ^_^ looks almost like the ones in the TV series.

I have also made my Jaffa crew. I based their outfits on the Stargate 1994 movie, but added symbols on their heads. I might tweak them a bit, I only wish I could give the guys skirts. I'll post them later.

In the mean time.


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