Hello Stargate-Union
On behalf of all the fleet leaders, I would like to express our appreciation and gratitude to all members of the fleet for the hard work and resources you all have put in. The fleet starbase is now at Tier 3, and both the Embassy and Dilithium Mine are now Tier 2. We couldn't have made it this far without you, and with your help we will continue to grow and build our holdings to their full potential.
I'd also like to remind everyone to take a few minutes and visit the fleet website from time to time. It's still a work in progress, but you can find useful information to help you stay connected with the fleet. Just go to
www.Stargate-Union.com and have a look around.
On the Ranks and Promotions page, you'll find information about promotion requirements and rank specific permissions that you have been granted.
On the fleet forum, you can create an account and communicate with the fleet when not in-game.
You'll also find information about how to connect with us on Steam, Facebook, and Teamspeak.
On the SGU Chat Channel page, you'll find info about how to join our in-game chat channel, called Stargate Union. The chat channel enables you to communicate with the fleet, even if you're currently playing on another character that is not in the fleet. You can use the Stargate Union chat channel on any character on your account, regardless of what faction or fleet your other characters are in. It's the best way to communicate with the fleet from anywhere in-game.
If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, you can message any of the fleet leaders at the following handles:
There are also many other fleet members that are always willing to help a fellow member, so don't hesitate to use fleet chat and the SGU channel to ask for help when you need it.
Peace and long life,